SKU: 2000-1008x10

CCGT for Aluminum Carbide Inserts, 10ps/Set

$53.00 CAD

Insert No.

CCGT-AK carbide inserts are 80° rhombic inserts with a 7° positive flank for semi-finishing and finish turning. They are intended for machining aluminum and other non-ferrous metal.

Item # Prodcut # Inset ISO Coating I.C Thickness Hole Radius
6600-1008 2000-1008 CCGT21.51 CCGT060204-LH Uncoated 1/4" 3/32" 0.110" 1/64"
6600-0005 2000-0005 CCGT32.5-AK-H01 CCGT09T302-AK-H01 Uncoated 3/8" 5/32" .173" 0.008"
6600-0001 2000-0001 CCGT32.51-AK-H01 CCGT09T304-AK-H01 Uncoated 3/8" 5/32" .173" 1/64"
6600-0002 2000-0002 CCGT32.52-AK-H01 CCGT09T308-AK-H01 Uncoated 3/8" 5/32" .173" 1/32"
6600-0432 2000-0432 CCGT432 CCGT120408 Uncoated 1/2" 3/16" .216" 1/32"