SKU: 180-1230

German Standard-Weight Pliers, Round/Flat

$46.12 CAD

Excellent quality pliers with box joints to eliminate “wobble” and maintain jaw alignment even under stress. Smooth jaws for holding and forming without marring. One jaw is round and the other is flat.

Measures 5-1/4" overall length with plastic no-slip grips. Jaws measure 1" long and taper to 1/16" wide. Made in Germany.

There are 6 different pliers and nippers available in the German Standard-Weight Series (see links to each below). Also available is a money-saving set of the 4 most popular styles: Chain-Nose, Flat-Nose, Round-Nose and Half-Round/Flat.

1. Chain-Nose
2. Flat-Nose
3. Round-Nose
4. Half-Round/Flat
5. Round/Flat (you are on this page)
6. Diagonal Nippers

Set of 4: Chain-Nose, Flat-Nose, Round-Nose and Half-Round/Flat