SKU: 210-1450

Liver of Sulphur

$35.50 CAD

Use this product to permanently "antique" silver and copper. Will not rub off or disappear during ultrasonic or steam cleaning. A small amount mixed with tap water in a Pyrex beaker will turn silver from brown to blue/green to light gray then dark gray. No anode required. Process may be stopped when desired colour has been achieved.

Bring selected areas to bright shine by buffing and leave background dark for antique effect.

This product is not suitable for antiquing gold because there is no appreciable effect.

Packaged in 1/2 lb. can.

After use, Liver of Sulphur can be neutralized with baking soda.

Items should be greenish brownish in colour. When not in use, keep the packaging sealed.  Colour may vary slightly when exposed to humidity or oxygen but functionality remains the same.