SKU: 140-4315

Loose White Muslin Buffs - 3/8" Arbor Hole

$2.49 CAD

Diameter x Ply

Made of fine-weave muslin with combed edges. Have 3/8" diameter arbor holes for use on 3/8" arbor shafts. Not for use on tapered spindles.

Available in 4 diameters: 3", 4", 5" and 6". All are 20 ply with an 80/80 thread count.

Loose or Stitched? Stitched buffs have multiple concentric rows of stitching which stiffens the buff. Generally, stitched buffs are used for cutting compounds (such as Tripoli) on soft metals.
On harder metals like platinum, palladium, steel and stainless steel, Stitched Buffs are used for both cutting compounds and polishing compounds such as rouge.
Loose buffs are much softer and more flexible, follow contours easily, and are generally used for final polishing with rouge or other high-shine compound.